Paper Coating
Our products are essential as coating colour lubricants during the paper coating process. They streamline processing procedures both during and after coating, ensuring efficiency and quality. With the demands of high processing speeds and the need for smooth operations, our additives meet the rigorous standards required in the industry.
Metal soap dispersions are the primary additives used for paper coating. Depending on specific applications, alkaline soaps may also be suitable, providing versatile solutions for diverse needs.
Recognizing the unique requirements of paper coating, our product portfolio includes customized solutions tailored for this application. Our additives can:
Our brand for paper coating

Recycling is an overall present subject and still gaining in importance. Within the paper industry the extraction of pulp from waste paper is the major contribution to recycling. The main focus during paper retreatment are the preservation of the feedstock as well as the best possible minimization of the environmental impact.
Deinking is the part of the recycling process that removes ink from the paper fibres. The mainly used process for this is called flotation process and the additives used to remove the ink from the paper are also known as collector chemicals.
Our SERFAX® brand is especially designed for the deinking process and offers soaps, fatty acids and liquid products which ensure efficient ink removal while simultaneously guaranteeing optimum fibre yield.
Our brand for deinking