Phase 2 of FONAP smallholder project
To support the sustainable production of palm oil, Peter Greven Nederland is supporting member of FONAP (Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil) since 2017. In addition to our membership we also support the second phase of the smallholder project, which has been initiated in cooperation with WWF Germany and Malaysian non-profit organization Wild Asia.
During the first stage the local smallholders have been asked for their opinion regarding the 4 additional criteria of FONAP which are
stopping cultivation on peat soil / high carbon areas
stopping the use of highly dangerous pesticides
application of strict reduction targets for greenhouse gases
ensuring that certified palm oil mills only purchase raw materials from legal cultivation.
Furthermore, the practical applicability of those objectives has been examined.
The first stage showed good results as, for example, higher yields on the pilot farms, so that phase two has now started. Two main purposes of that stage are introducing smallholders to sustainable farming methods (for example organic fertilizer) and establishing the use of a mobile application for better transparency and traceability throughout the palm oil supply chain.
We are happy to actively support the project and look forward to further positive results.
For more information on FONAP and the associations work, please visit https://www.forumpalmoel.org/en/welcome